Joker Generations

Joker Generations

It’s amazing how adaptable Batman and his universe is. Inspired by Conrad Veidt, in the Man Who Laughs, even the 60’s Joker, white makeup covered mustache and all, is loved … but not so much by me, but I thought he would be fun to draw. Type: Sketches...
Batman’s TV Catwoman

Batman’s TV Catwoman

Julie Newmar as Catwoman was one of the highlights of the 1960’s series. Eartha Kitt was ok, but the show was becoming hard to watch by then, weighed down by self-consciously trying to be the surreal, groovy show everyone celebrated, IMO. Type: Sketches Media:...
Batman TV Villains

Batman TV Villains

Victor Buono’s King Tut was my favorite character on the 60’s TV Show. He embraced the campy nature of the show without being two-dimensional. I’ve generally read the Batman and Robin show was intentionally campy from the beginning. However,...
Party imps

Party imps

Type: Sketches Media: Pen on paper Mister Mxyzptlk, Batmite, B’wana Beast, Mr. Freeze copyright DC...